HL7 mFHAST Research & Development Environmental Scan

Validity of single item responses to short message service texts to monitor depression: an mHealth sub-study of the UK ACUDep trial

An article from the BMC Medical Research Methodology journal

From the results posted in PubMed: "Depression scores based on the PHQ-9 and R-SMS-DS at 3 months were available for 337 participants (74 % female; mean age: 42 years, SD = 11.1), 213 of which completed the two outcomes within 6 days of each other. R-SMS-DS scores aligned with the underlying latent depression of the PHQ-9 (factor loading of 0.656) and in particular its affective rather than somatic dimension. The R-SMS-DS score was most strongly correlated with depressed mood (r = 0.607), feeling bad about oneself (r = 0.588) and anhedonia (r = 0.573). R-SMS-DS responses were invariant with respect to gender (p = 0.302). However, there was some evidence for age related response bias (p = 0.031), with older participants being more likely to endorse lower R-SMS-DS scores than younger ones."

Study RegionUnited Kingdom
OrganizationUniversity of York
Issue or ProblemIncreasing self-reported depression symptoms and outcomes
Tech MediumSMS
Technology DeviceMobile phones
mFHAST ImplicationOpportunity for use of SMS for self-reported outcomes within mental health populations

More links

  • Link to the research article posted in PubMedThe R-SMS-DS used in the ACUDep trial was found to be a valid measure of latent affective depression with no gender related response bias. This text message item may therefore represent a useful assessment and monitoring tool meriting evaluation in further research. For future study designs we recommend the collection of outcome data by new health technologies in combination with gold standard instruments to ensure concurrent validity.
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Categories: Mental HealthNumber of views: 2667

Tags: SMSmental healthdepression

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