HL7 mFHAST Research & Development Environmental Scan

Feasibility and User Perception of a Fully Automated Push-Based Multiple-Session Alcohol Intervention for University Students: Randomized Controlled Trial

Feasibility and User Perception of a Fully Automated Push-Based Multiple-Session Alcohol Intervention for University Students: Randomized Controlled Trial

An article published in the Journal of Medical Internet research (JMIR)

From the article objective: This study explored the acceptability and feasibility in a non treatment-seeking group of university students (including both risk and non risk drinkers), of a fully automated, push-based, multiple-session, alcohol intervention, comparing two modes of delivery by randomizing participants to receive the intervention either by SMS text messaging (short message service, SMS) or by email."

mFHAST Implication: Opportunity to use SMS as a health behavior intervention in college students who display unhealthy behaviors such as risky drinking. 

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