HL7 mFHAST Research & Development Environmental Scan

Interventions to promote adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Africa

An article from the Lancet HIV journal

From the article findings: "We obtained data for 14 randomised controlled trials, with 7110 patients. Interventions included daily and weekly short message service (SMS; text message) messaging, calendars, peer supporters, alarms, counselling, and basic and enhanced standard of care (SOC). Compared with SOC, we found distinguishable improvement in self-reported adherence with enhanced SOC (odds ratio [OR] 1·46, 95% credibility interval [CrI] 1·06-1·98), weekly SMS messages (1·65, 1·25-2·18), counselling and SMS combined (2·07, 1·22-3·53), and treatment supporters (1·83, 1·36-2·45). We found no compelling evidence for the remaining interventions. Results were similar when using viral suppression as an outcome, although the network contained less evidence than that for adherence. Treatment supporters with enhanced SOC (1·46, 1·09-1·97) and weekly SMS messages (1·55, 1·01-2·38) were significantly better than basic SOC."
Study RegionAfrica
OrganizationStanford University, Stanford, CA
Issue or ProblemIncreasing Adherence to antiretroviral therapy for HIV treatment
Tech MediumSMS
Technology DeviceMobile Phone
mFHAST ImplicationOpportunities for SMS messages to increase adherence to HIV antiretroviral therapies

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